Big positive changes are coming into your life! You may find yourself on a new career path, entering a new relationship, or moving to a new home or city. Embrace these exciting events, knowing that your angels will be beside you all the way!

What you are asking about may require you to take leaps of faith that seem frightening or beyond your ability. Trust that the opportunities before you are meant to bring you happiness. These options would not have presented themselves unless you were ready for them. Release your fears and follow your heart.


Aug 03, 2016

Thank u for encouraging n the positive thoughts r giving me power.

Jul 20, 2016
Douglas Prckard

New relationship home changing.this is insight.caj you tell me more please.thank lite and blessings.

Jul 20, 2016

Thank you I receive all that is expected and unexpected in love and light.. and so it is

Jul 20, 2016
Annmarie Brown

Dear Danica thankyou for your guidance precents helping me thought hard times I am truly thankfull and grateful for your readings my dream is to become a phycic medium healer so that I can help other archangel on this earth for peace & harmony I am ready I truly believe that angles from all over the universe don’t cross your path by chance it is for a reason very nice to meet you love and light God bless you annmarie Brown Liverpool United Kingdom

Jul 20, 2016
Tracy peace

Thank ufor the message and the picture are so pretty

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