Message from Archangel Michael: Pay Attention To Your Dreams.

Archangel Michael has been working with you during dream time to help you release old fears and reach new heights of happiness and peace. He’s been teaching you while you sleep, providing answers to your prayers and building the foundation for your life’s purpose. Although you may not remember these dreams, the information resides in your subconscious and helps you in many ways.

You can access much of Michael’s counsel by keeping a dream journal. Any type of notebook will do; keep it by your bed and consistently record whatever you remember from the previous night’s dreams. You’ll soon recognize patterns in themes and symbolism, which will offer you guidance for your waking hours.

Possible specific meanings: Recurring dreams are speaking to you—be sure to pay attention • Respect and act upon your heart’s desires • Consult a dream expert or book on dreams • Make sure you’re getting enough sleep • Go to bed sober, as chemicals can interrupt REM sleep (dream sleep)


Jun 01, 2017
Wenche Authén

Thank you so very much for all your support???

Mar 11, 2017

Thank you for being their when I need you.. xc

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