Archangel Ariel: “Strength and grace through kindness. Self confidence. Forgiveness”.

 “You have great strength and compassion! The kindness and understanding that you give to others are a blessed gift. However, it is equally important to show gentleness toward yourself. You may see aspects within you that cause you worry or impatience. But every person is a child of God. It is by balancing all aspects of yourself with love and mercy that you learn to exhibit those same qualities to people around you. You are far stronger than you may believe. The situation you find yourself in requires a very soft and sensitive approach. Archangel Ariel can help you stay strong in the face of any challenge.

Additional meanings of this card: “Self confidence. Patience. Self control. Forgiveness. Inner strength. Influence through kindness.


Archangel Ariel is the angel known for protecting animals, the environment, and those who seek to safeguard our world. Her name means “Lioness of God,” and she can inspire great courage in the hearts of those who call upon her, Archangel Ariel is also known to be an angel of manifesting the essentials of daily life. Call upon Ariel if you are feeling uncertain or experiencing a lack of confidence, and she will help you get in touch with you own inner strength.” 


Jul 18, 2017
eugene richard

Archangel Ariel please help me with feeling uncertain and self confidence thank you

Jun 15, 2017

Ariel, please help me with my self-confidence and knowing the right thing to do for myself. I am at the end of the relationship and it’s very pain ful.. please guide me to do the right thing for myself and for her. I don’t wish to cause anybody any pain including myself.

Apr 19, 2017
linda clavette

would like to have help in our finances and healing for my husband has croniclung diease
thank you in advance

Dec 13, 2016

really feeling down I have so.much problems dealing with other people and I always seem to get hurt

Sep 06, 2016

Came just at the right time..thank you xxx

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