Spread Your Wings ~ Key Words: “Expansion, freedom, confinement, decision.”


Energies of expansion are around you now and, because of this, you may be feeling restless and uncertain. Your mind and soul are ready to soar, but you may feel confined by certain relationships or certain aspects of them. Although they may be comfortable and feel safe, it is possible that they do not quite fulfill your needs. Even the desire to be in a relationship can be restricting because it becomes your focus and you forget to live your life to the fullest.

Sometimes when you think you have all that you could ever want, you realize that you now want something else. Perhaps a relationship has grown a little too restricting or it is not exciting enough, or maybe it no longer meets you needs as you have evolved and changed. What will it take to allow you to feel unrestrained and joyful? Listen to your heart. What do you really want? Remember to make any needed changes with love and compassion.”

Pulled from the Psychic Tarot For The Heart Oracle Cards by John Holland.


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